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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  January 15, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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d daddy's a hero. daddy, can we play ponies? right after we do foldies. tide boost is my tide. what's yours? so if ydead battery,t tire, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. i'm s.e. cupp. the president looking to a new nis fiscal fight. the rest of hasandy aid bill up for a vote.
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xlees with tax breaks for rum distillers? i need a drunk. i'm kry is tal ball. are we turning our kids in to narcissists? a dope. lance armstrong comes clean to the queen of talk but who needed the interview more, lance or oprah? i'm shooting straight coming to guns. ready, aim? "the cycle" is on fire. the house is back and getting serious about the constitution. members spent 1:05 reciting the entire u.s. constitution. it's the basis of our government, of course, but this is only the second time ever the entire document was read aloud in the house. >> we the people of the united states in order to form a more perfect union -- >> no person except a
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natural-born citizen shall be eligible to the office of president. the powers to all cases of law and equity. >> full faith and credit given in each state to the public acts. >> congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. >> neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist within the united states. >> the validity of the public debt of the united states authorized by law shall not be questioned. >> the right of citizens of the united states to vote shall not be denied on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude. >> the right of the citizens of the united states to vote shall not be denied on account of sex. >> the 18th article of the amendment to the constitution of the amendment is hereby repealed. >> ah, the constitution from those opening lines we the people to the 21st amendment, wahoo!
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glorious document. i think i heard a clap or two in there about the debt and the nation paying bills and closer and closer to running out of cash to do it. remember, raising the debt ceiling isn't additional spending but allows the government to pay the bills it's already racked up on money it's already spent. today, fitch ratings which sets credit ratings for countries around the world warned the u.s. could lose the aaa rating, the highest there is, if there's not a quote median-term deficit reduction plan put in place. what will it take to get a deal? we start with dan gross. his latest piece is titled "obama brinksmanship puts gop in tough spot on debt ceiling." so dan, you write that while you fall off a cliff, you only bump your head in to a ceiling but economically the ceiling has the capacity to deliver far more damage. you are talking like my friend steve kornacki here.
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what is failing to raise the debt ceiling? why is that going to be catastrophic? >> well, you know, first of all the stock and bond markets will really go haywire in a way they didn't when we were about to go over the fiscal cliff because government bonds are held by everybody. chinese central bank, japanese central bank, every single bank financial institution out there. so if there's any question over the value of those and they start to decline, these institutions have a great amount of leverage and interconnected with everything else and sort of see what happened in 2008. it's also this issue of, you know, who gets paid? if you start to have to say maybe soldiers get paid but not paying for the fuel or these doctors will get paid, you know, government is a huge force in our economy. like it or not. and the number of companies that would really be affected from walmart to every defense contractor to giant health care companies, if their ability to collect money that is owed to them is then put in doubt, that
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triggers a whole, you know, range of activities of other people wanting to collect debts from them. >> sounds really scary. do me a favor, though, and crawl in to president obama's head for me and tell me why you think in 2006 he voted not to raise the debt ceiling and said the fact we're here today to debate raising the debt limit is a sign of leadership failure, the sign the u.s. government can't pay his own bills. what was he thinking there? >> voting against an increase of the debt kreeling is what you do in the opposition party. >> oh, okay. >> in congress. this is going back for the last many years. >> yeah. >> all the republicans in the senate voted for increases when bush was in office. they vote against it when obama is in office. and vice versa. the problem or challenges now is the house where republicans don't want to vote for it and we need them, you know, it is sort of a luxury you have when the opposition controls the house. you can vote against it and have
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a nice little sort of moral standing there but the business of the country goes on. we are in a situation where if the house gop doesn't do something, then we have a real problem. >> yeah. the difference there just to be clear to everybody, it's not just that the opposition party has traditionally voted as a matter of protest against raising the debt ceiling. the norm changed is that house republicans demanded specific concessions in exchange for raising the debt ceiling, not just casting symbolic votes but saying we want trillions of dollars in cut, billions of dollars in cuts. that's new, using the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip but along the same lines i have noticed something maybe. that the ground is shifting here in terms of where the house republicans looking for the leverage in the upcoming fights over medicare, medicaid and entitlements and talking about the debt ceiling as beverage and then the continuing resolution funding the government and
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coming up for exwe ration in march and going up to the deadline, past that deadline, it is not good, results in a government shutdown, a temporary government shutdown and nowhere near as catastrophic in terms of debt default. do you sense that's where the debate is shifting? republicans more likely to take a stand along the continuing resolution than the debt ceiling? >> they're backing off from this notion we are not going to prove the debt ceiling. i think the reason is as opposed to the fiscal cliff where kind of corporations and the republican intellectual establishment when's left of it sort of saying, you know, do a deal. come together. rise above. all that sort of stuff but not really getting in to the specifics, now you have the corporate world, the business roundtable, the u.s. chamber of commerce, "the wall street journal" editorial page saying this debt ceiling thing and the ability of the government to pay the debt, that's not to be trifled with. don't take a hostage you're not willing to shoot. we don't want you to shoot that
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hostage and getting pushback on that sort of brinksmanship and why i think, you know, obama feels like he's more leverage keeping on saying, i'm not going to negotiate with you about this. i don't want to talk to you about this. and he's getting some sort of subtle reinforcement of organizations traditionally been in the republican camp. >> dan, steve talked about a way that republicans behavior is different than historically congressional behavior has been and to that point i want to read a metaphor that you wrote today. you are fast becoming one of my favorite writers, sir. it's as if gop house members are 2-year-olds who have to exert a certain amount of energy before they're managed through necessary nighttime routines. parents understand that their 2-year-old may have to scream for an hour before bed at night but primal screams can be dangerous and intolerable for the financial markets and for the economy. congratulations, sir. that is an excellent analogy. can you unpack it a little bit and talk about why they're
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engaging in this behavior so bad for the country. >> there's, you know, a long piece in politico where they were talking about, you know, what boehner's doing and manages this, and there's a line there when someone said we may have to let them do a partial government shutdown just to let them get this out of their system before they go on to approve what needs to be done and i think, you know, the challenge of leadership is to tell the people who you are leading that what they want is not realistic or that it doesn't make sense. i think boehner's modus operandi is to do some sort of last-minute deal. i think that's part of the psychology here. that you let these people, you know, they don't want to approve a debt ceiling, didn't come here to approve it and before they'll do it, they have to do something that lets them get that energy out of their system. >> and unfortunately, that might
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be the best strategy that he actually has, but you know, overall in terms of the president's and democrats' approach, i think the president did a wonderful job and the democrats got a good deal in the fiscal cliff deal and the president's negotiating strategy of not negotiating on the debt ceiling has really put republicans in the corner where they're sort of backing away and saying maybe we can go in another direction but one thing i'm concerned about is when i look back at 2010 and the big losses that democrats sustained there, part of the reason was because we ceded the debate to the republicans and allowed them to frame the conversation around the debt and the deficit and if you look at gallup polling, you can see that the debt and the deficit and government dissatisfaction with government which is another strong place for republicans to fight on are rising, are increasing in importance for voters in terms of what they're concerned about so i'm concerned and wonder if
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you think this is right, that democrats may be setting themselves up to be on weak terrain sort to speak in terms of 2014 congressional elections by allowing this debate to be focused on the debt and deficit. >> people never stop and always in campaign mode and i think with obama the issue is, he has a campaign and wants to get in governing mode and that's why you see the changing of the discussion of the framing and why i think they suffered the losses in 2010 when it wasn't just a matter of issues, they weren't getting their voters out to the polls and i think it's more -- we saw it last fall when there was a big debate between obama and romney and the sort of democratic and gop view of what we should do with the budget deficit and what we should do with taxes and talked about in great detail and relentlessly. >> although, if i could -- >> we saw how that turned out.
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>> that was more about the future of the middle class and traditionally a stronger place for democrats to be. >> this is still a question about priorities or at least if i'm doing the messaging and strategy on this, do you want -- we have a limited number of resources. we have a fair amount of debt. assume we all want to reduce our deficits and reduce the amount of debt. do we want to do that by cutting social security and medicare and taking these entitlements and the safety net and fundamentally changing it or do we want more cash from individuals and from companies and whether you do that through higher rates or tax reform or getting rid of deductions, you know, that's a debate worth having and i think one that democrats can be in a pretty decent position to win if they talk about it in the right way. >> dan gross, thanks for coming. >> thank you. next, developing news this afternoon on the latest sandy aid bill before congress. a house vote is expected tonight but there's plenty of opposition and maybe for good reason. we're spinning as "the cycle"
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working together to bring this product to the floor. i've heard two objections to this bill. floor debate happening now in the house aver the remaining portion and a chunk of a sandy aid bill. $51 billion. a vote scheduled just before 8:00 tonight. a lot of the pork that was originally cooked in to the package is cut out and suddenly i'm feeling hungry but there's earmarks for roads and rails and weather forecasting system and a chunk set aside for future
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projects. let's get to the him and nbc's luke russert. will it pass tonight or what? >> reporter: most likely, yes. it is an interesting coalition of members of congress to get it forward as well as a very interesting and unusual way forward for this bill to get the total allotment around the $50 billion needed to add on to the 9 they voted for. you will see a coalition comprised of mainly democrats and then republicans from states that were affected by superstorm sandy on top of that you will have republicans of gulf area states where they need perhaps federal disaster relief funding in the future. the way to go forward, though, there's a vote on the $17 billion for relief to go toward immediate reconstruction projects right now. that will come up, expected to get widespread support for the house and then an amendment on the remaining 33 billion put towards future development projects and future things needed in regards to superstorm relief in terms of
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infrastructure. not a lot of republicans are on board for and carried by democrats in that coalition i told you about. they're saying, okay, you can vote on the 17 billion but cut off the 33 billion more that fiscal conservative haves a problem with and make that pass with democrats just a handful of republican votes. on top of this, a lot of amendments including one by congressman of south carolina saying that this money repaid by cutting stuff from all agencies across the government. not expected to pass but that's sort of a vote to allow the club for growth, heritage republicans, worried about a primary vote to say, hey, we want it all offset and interesting sort of structure and parliamentary democracy seeing here inside the house, procedure that the house gop leadership is encouraging the members to take so they don't have painful votes scored in a
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bad way. >> thanks, luke. happy luke today, right? i like this. >> luke's always happy. what's he got to be mad about? >> working on the hill, got a good job. he should be happy. but this is a serious issue, the sandy aid bill. in moments of disaster, americans are supposed to come together and take care of each other and the neighbors and somehow this bill has proceeded a lot more slowly than it should have. republicans are talking about it's pork laden. it is not really. there's 13 amendments there. talking about mitigating things of the future. a wall, dealing with secondary problems we haven't yet seen yet. this is about response, recovery and mitigating future problems and why? this is politicized, why this is something we're holding up and not pushing forward is to me one of the more disgusting things that house republicans have done in recent memory and i wonder if we'd be having the same conversation talking about disaster that happened in red states. >> hmm. well, i agree with you that it's been politicized to a disgusting
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degree and the shaming that republicans have endured over daring to vote no on this has been demonstratible. i agreed this is probably a pr nightmare for republicans. maybe an unwise decision. i love chris christie but i think on this he was dead wrong. i think there's equal amounts of shame deserved by some democrats who would look at an emergency and a tragedy and say, i'm going to exploit that and stuff it with some things i need for my district that aren't emergency spending. that have nothing to do with sandy relief. i think that's disgusting and we can talk about, you know, the bad pr on the right and the practice of doing this in both sides, but i think this tragedy's been exploited by both sides to an unfortunate degree. >> yeah. i think there are reasons when you look at these sort of -- the extra projects that get tacked on to these -- to a bill like
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this. there are reasons for it. one is we all got outraged about earmarks and a symbol of evil congressional corruption and therefore took out a very common, what had been a practical way, really, of moving bills through congress. and a lot of the projects that were authorized through earmarks were very valuable to districts, economic growth, creating jobs in districts, helped business in districts, added vitality to districts but always just baffled with the moments of people decide right here, republicans in congress decide right here, this is where they're going to make their stand on spending. the government spends too much. we have a spending problem. you hear that all the time from republicans and if you look at the numbers, try to look at where the money is going out, it is not from discretionary spending is not the problem. the problem is we have an aging population and the problem is we have exploding health care costs. the problem is also that we
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slash tax rates and didn't have interest in paying for it and went to two wars and decided to put them on credit cards and the problem was the economy collapsed in 2008 and when the economy collapsed in 2008 revenues collapsed with it. >> every little bit helps, steve. >> but that is -- that is the reason why we have major defi t deficits right now. not because this bill is 50 when it should be 47 billion. nothing to do with it. >> i also love and not saying that you made this argument but other republicans have made the argument that, you know, when you're talking about raising taxes on the wealthy, oh, not very much. but when you're talking about cutting earmarks, suddenly, it's every little bit helps but i think this process overall needs reform and an interesting potential model is something that senators mark warner, john kerry and kay bailey hutchison suggested which is an infrastructure investment bank where the federal government seeds that bank with money and
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districts and states submit requests, basically these are the project that is we need loans for. and they invision it as a bank to deal with larger scale projects but i don't see why it couldn't work for smaller scale projects because it's been done through the earmarking process and also reliant on seniority and whose vote needed to be gotten rather than which projects actually made sense and were the best use of taxpayer dollars and a direction we should be going in. and we have never -- we have never said before that hurricane victim, tornado victim, flood victim, we will help you if we can find the money, if we can find the cuts elsewhere and a precedent that republicans are now trying to set. >> no, that's true. you know who's working on building a bank? dylan ratigan. true story. >> exciting. up next, news flash.
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research shows millennials may not be as awesome as you think you are. please keep watching. kathleen king had a successful bakery business in the hamptons but a partnership that went sour resulted in her losing it. left with a store front and a recipe, she started tate's and makes more than 2 million cookies a week with over $10 million in sales. ♪ you know my heart burns for you... ♪
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i'm up next, but now i'm singing the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is!
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i am so close to a life that i want, the life that you want for me that for you to end that right now -- >> no more money. >> starting when? >> starting now. we can talk about it tomorrow. >> i don't want to see you tomorrow. >> what? >> we fly out tuesday. >> i have work. and then i have a dinner thing. and then i am busy. trying to become who i am. >> whether they're being showered with cash or praise, when's the deal with the so-called general me? we're talking about young adults, college-aged, who, frankly, believe they're better than they really are. what's to blame for the self inflation and is it all bad?
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self confidence breed success or does that formula only work the other way around? ask dr. jean twangey. she analyzed years of statistics on the phenomenon. welcome, doctor. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> we talked about this last week, you and i. you were explaining to me that a big part of the reason kids are sonar sy cystic these days is because self esteem is prized more than self control. explain that. >> well, we have a generation who's been raised with phrased like believe in your yourself and anything is possible and i have a huge survey of 6.5 million college students to 1966, more recent generations, much more likely to say that they're above average. well, the problem with that belief is it really won't help you that much, that phrase believe in yourself and anything
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is possible isn't really true. working hard and self control is to be emphasized. >> jean, there is sort of a -- i don't know for lack of a better term, i guess there's an aris n aristocracy and they go to the right school, prep school or something, taught how brilliant and smart they are and going to right college, duke, notre dame, whatever it is, grade inflation at the colleges and grade inflation makes it that much better and when you get out of that, graduated from that college like that, with grades like that, a prep school like that, is there a certain segment of the population that's just immune from the kind of disappointment you're saying that most kids will feel when they grow up and coast through life thinking, yeah, they got the goods? >> yeah, well, you know, that segment isn't immune from the disappointment but, of course, they have better chances because
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they got a better education, they have more connections, they were able to network. that's the key to their success, not necessarily any form of self confidence. and we see that increasing positive self view and for a sy schism across all ethnic groups and regions and all social classes and doesn't seem to be restricted to just one group of young people. >> doctor, i wanted to ask you about that. am i correct that your research focuses on college students. is that right? >> yes. although i have done many other studies that include high school students and their increasingly positive self views, as well. >> are we getting a complete picture looking at college students that represent a particular demographic profile and likely to be affluent more than the population on average? >> yeah. and that's a great point and that's why it's important to try to include high school students. we also, one of my students looked at students all the way down to middle school.
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and they also show an increase in self esteem over time so we really do see it across all of the groups. >> doctor, some people might be watching and saying general me, isn't that usually baby boomers but millennials are so-called echo boomers and self confidence is not the key to success and agree with that but also certainly lacking self confidence does not aid success. i mean, surely working hard is part of it but self confidence, self esteem, liking yourself is certainly got to be part of getting others to like you and trust you and want to work with you. right? >> well, not really. there's a bunch of lab studies that show that people who are low in self esteem and meet someone new come across as very likable and in terms of success, one example really illustrates it which is in the u.s. the ethnic group with the lowest self esteem is asian americans and highest academic performance and obviously it's a cultural
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thing and their culture places more importance on improving yourself rather than just thinking you're great. it may be one of the keys to the success of young folks. >> doctor, really fascinating stuff. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. so i have a message to these college kids and high schoolers everywhere. you got to work hard. and you need to take a page from my friend and colleague steve kornacki who really knows what hard work looks and feels like. now, before you tweeted us -- that actually happened today. that is real. it happened today. >> were you on my subway car this morning? >> i was extra tired but i'm full of life and energy now. >> we can tell. >> just trying to -- >> look at him. look at him. >> there he goes. >> is that comfortable? >> more comfortable the closer to the floor you get. >> incredible time getting off
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the ground. >> just takes so much work. >> in some ways, steve is like a genius and some ways like 5 years old. >> how does it happen? complicated mind of steve kornacki. nothing like seven minutes to rethink your life plans but a study by "the atlantic" says it costs more to be single and successful at work than married. >> amen. >> more than a million dollars. $1,000 in annual income taxes alone. wow! it's time to get married. but the facebook friend marc sims says $1,000 may be worth it. ouch. >> nice. >> like us on facebook and let us know your take. an incredible story of resilience and hard-earned success. one woman's journey from torture in china and exile to the ceo of a global tech company and what it can teach us all. that's next. i'm with sandra who just got these great glasses.
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responsibility. what's your policy?
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imagine being 8 years old and ripped from the only home you've ever known. you're sent to different city to care far younger sister after after near starvation, torture and rape, you attend college and make a life on your own only to have your government exile you to a country where you don't speak the language and don't know anyone. that's just the beginning of the story. peng fu came to the united states with $80 in the pocket and now a ceo of a leading 3d company and she's the author of "bend, not break, a life in two worlds" telling the incredible story of china to the american boardroom. thank you so much for being with
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us. i have to start by saying i'm fascinatied by 3d printing and want you to come back to talk about that but let's sort of start with the success at the end first, which is you are an incredibly successful woman operating in a pretty male dominated world, being the tech world, and you have some interesting principles of negotiating an of leadership, too. you talk about how there's an old proverb saying that the number one strategy is retreat and negotiating is not about winning a battle or even positioning yourself to win, it's about not getting in to a fight in the first place and i was reminded reading that of the fact that women naturally studies show tend to be better ap consensus building. women in congress attract more co-sponsors to their bill. is this a feminist approach in a way to power and negotiations? >> this is more of an if
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philosophical view of negotiation so the number one strategy is retreat is not about retreat. it is about creating space. imagine that if you stuck in a negotiation, it's kind of like you're standing right in front of a war. now, you can't see anything. so the idea is if you step back, you would create more space for alternative solutions and alternative views. >> ping, your journey is so inspiring. you arrive in america with virtually no money, knowing no one. not able to speak the language. you work as a maid at the same time going to school. and you rise up to become this ceo and this technology leader and i'm curious about what is it inside you that drove you, that propelled you to keep learning and building and having optimism about your future and propelled you up the ranks? >> one thing that i learned by writing this book is that my
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hidden drive was to want to be somebody because when i was young, it was beaten in to my brain that i was nobody. and i didn't believe it. now, not going through k-12 education, not have teachers, hands around, i didn't know where to stop. it's not like you have a dream of being a doctor or lawyer or engineer. i just want to be somebody and i never arrived. it is kind of like life is a journey. i keep traveling. >> you know, ping, i look at your story and the hardship experienced growing up in china and obviously incredible success story in business over here and curious based on your perspective from your life, when you look at businesses in the united states, major companies in the united states, and the way that they use china, you know, to enhance their profits, think specifically of apple and the iphones made at foxconn in china and the questions of working conditions over there and we as americans purchasing
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this and supporting that. i wonder your perspective on this. >> i believe manufacture is the economy and where initial r&d money is spent so i'm actually on the mission of bringing manufacturing back to the united states. i don't believe china should be work dumping ground or nor do i believe united states should lose its leadership on manufacturing. so in the future, in fact, the product will be in software code and then the actual product will be manufactured locally and by doing so it's much more greener. it's less shipping across the sea. we can keep the culture of product being made different regions shared through a global network. it is much better model. that's what i'm on. >> ping, you write about growing up in communist china, and you
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say that you were brainwashed but you say that even now you struggle with some of the concepts of communism. what have you found to be the hardest thing to reconcile about living in a capitalist society and the thing about living in a capitalist society that's been the easiest and the best? >> interestingly that being watched by communist concept when i came to the united states, i still believed money is evil. but this is a free market economy where making money is a measure of success so i had a hard time reconcile that. over the time, my opinion actually changed. what i have observed is that in the 2000s, the market condition got worse. in the united states, we have a
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renaissance movement on capitalism. and that got me to think about the responsibility of entrepreneurs and business people and our contributions beyond just pnl but to the community and that leads me also to observe a phenomenon that is if you're communist or socialist or green party, generally those people are proud of their ideology except capitalist so we are a capitalist society. and for 20 years, more than 20 years, i live here, nobody goes out and say, hey, i'm proud to be a capitalist. so i think this movement of social consciousness of capitalism is interesting one because we know free market works. and we are a capitalist society. why can't we be proud of it? >> ping, inspiring story. thank you so much. and up next, we tackle the story everybody is talking about
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get started at today. and now you're protected. with multiple lacerations to the wing and a fractured beak. surgery was successful, but he will be in a cast until it is fully healed, possibly several months. so, if the duck isn't able to work, how will he pay for his living expenses? aflac. like his rent and car payments? aflac. what about gas and groceries? aflac. cell phone? aflac, but i doubt he'll be using his phone for quite a while cause like i said, he has a fractured beak. [ male announcer ] send the aflac duck a get-well card at for myself, my team, all of us in the room, we were mesmerized and riveted by some of his answers. about an hour and 20 minutes in, we took a break and lance actually said, will there be a point where you'll lighten up?
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he said, what about the questions about my mom and how was my run today? >> after years of not only public denial but ruthless attacks on anybody that suggested or accused him of cheating, lance armstrong admitted to oprah he used performance-enhancing drugs to win the tour de france. the interview airs thursday and friday night and signals the beginning of his apology tour. before taping the interview, he apologized to the staff at livestrong headquarters in texas. he was stripped of all seven titles after a report dealt him a sports death blow depicting him as a cheater. and it's not just a public relations battle he's fighting. there is a potential hailstorm of lawsuits from persecuted whistle-blowers, fraud to libel. already the justice department is expected to join a whistle-blower lawsuit. armstrong and the team left a
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wake of outraged people and companies that could demand their pound of flesh and why come forward now and what happens next? let's talk about this in the back spin. so we have got the oprah/lance armstrong epic interview, it's frost/nixon 35 years later, i think. >> all right. >> if we can find stipulated that we can find the o own network on the cable networks. >> ouch. >> i don't know where it is. >> boom. >> needless low blows. >> i'm curious. i'm sure i'll find it. i i'm curious to find it. i don't know offhand if it's channel 600. look. on the one hand, it's very easy to say and i defended lance armstrong a lot further along in to this than others did and up until a few months ago. well, okay, look, i'm sure now. he definitely used the stuff and he definitely cheated and i think there's, you know, we can
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say that clearly. i still have a hard time doing a blanket total condemnation and not looking for any context here because i think there was, you know, that is guy who as i said before, you can't take away the fact he beat stage iv cancer, the fact that he used that victory over stage iv cancer and the victories in the tour de france, however sort of -- >> they were obstained. >> he used that to raise an incredible amount of money, an incredible amount of awareness and an incredible amount of hope for victims of cancer and i think there's specific stories out there of people whose lives, cancer patients whose lives were improved maybe in some cases saved because of the work that lance armstrong did so i'm not here to say i want to defend armstrong or doesn't deserve a lot of grief he's going to get but he's been getting an awful lot of grief and escalating amount of grief for years to come. i am only going to point out
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that there was some good, there was some real good -- >> what you're doing there is moral relevancy. he did some good, a lot of good, the bad is somehow mitigated. >> didn't say it. thanks for not listening. didn't say that. >> -- it's an emotional ponzi scheme. he stole influence in order to do good. i wonder if the people who were given optimism by lance's example or given money by livestrong, when they found out their hero was actually a fraud, if they actually felt worse? >> i'm with you 100%, toure. i'm just going to put a definition up on the screen. it's of a sociopath, a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, who lacks a sense of moral conscience. what he has done is unconscionable. >> i went online and i found some sound from npr of a woman who was battling cancer, and i'd
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like to play that now. >> i wanted to badly to have a family one day, but saving my eggs came with a steep price tag. the doctors told me to look to fertile hope. it's a program from lance armstrong's livestrong foundation. within 48 hours livestrong had agreed to pay for most of the $25,000 it would cost to freeze my eggs. >> and this was recorded after it had become clear that he had cheated, and basically this woman said, you know, that's wrong, but he helped me personally, and i think if you look at this on balance, you have to say that lance armstrong has done more good in the world than harm, and so i don't think you can totally separate that from how we look at lance armstrong. yes, the victories were gained in a totally wrong, immoral way and he is bearing the consequences of that now, but it doesn't change the fact that millions of people's lives were changed for the better because of him. i don't think that we should
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totally forget that. >> he also ruined a lot of people's lives. >> and his reputation. >> i don't care about his reputation. he's ruined people's lives -- >> you don't care about -- >> -- by throwing them under the bus. >> you don't care about it but i think in terms of we're talking about what's fair and what the proper shakeout of all this should be, it's certainly worth noting whether you care about it or not that his life and his reputation will be shattered. >> deservedly. >> deservedly but will be. >> and for young people who are looking at this, you know, they're not looking at doping and using performance enhancing drugs and saying this worked out really great for him. >> i don't know about that. i don't know. i don't know how many people are saying he won seven. i'll take that. i'll make that deal with the devil. >> and a decade of your life then of walls closing in and everybody casting judgments and then today -- >> maybe i will be able to get away with it. there are children who take steroids and hgh and die because of suicide, because of liver problems, because of other problems, and that's the biggest problem. we don't really care about
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cheating in baseball or cheating in cycle, but the kids who die because they take drugs like their heroes. >> and the kids who were saved by the cancer research that wouldn't have been there without lance armstrong. it's a complicated world, it's a complicated world, that's my point. up next, as the president preps to unveil his gun proposals at the white house tomorrow, s.e. cupp offers a gun dictionary guide for those who think they know but don't. i've always had to keep my eye on her... but, i didn't always watch out for myself. with so much noise about health care... i tuned it all out. with unitedhealthcare, i get information that matters... my individual health profile. not random statistics. they even reward me for addressing my health risks. so i'm doing fine... but she's still going to give me a heart attack. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for more than 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. he opened up jake's very private world.
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this being a smart audience i bet you can tell the difference between a horse and a zebra but can you identify the
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family, geous, species, and sub see piece of every animal on the planet? we see guns in the movies, many of us own them, but few of us are experts. the last lexon of gun verbiage is technical and misused most often by the voices most vocal. sometimes it's ignorance but more often it's an effort to scare and confuse the public. either way if ear going to solve gun crime we have to get our facts straight. here is a crash course. the term rapid-fire is meant to conjure scary images of fully automatic bullet spray. think rambo. but the weapons use in aurora, newtown, around virtually every other shooting in recent history were not fully automatic. rapid fire doesn't describe the gun used. it describes the shooter's ability to shoot and reuse quickly. when you say you want to ban rapid fire guns, you might be
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talking about the handgun your mom keeps by her bed or even the shotgun your dad shoots deer with. there's no such thing as high capacity ammunition, as "the washington post" recently called it. or high capacity weapons as politico called them. it refers only to magazines, the ammunition feeding device. even when used correctly, the term is arbitrary. the 1994 assault weapons ban limited magazines to ten rounds because that probably sounded sufficiently scary. but banning high capacity magazines is like banning big gulps. shooters can get around magazine restrictions by buying more magazines. assault weapons is the mother of irresponsible meaningless catch-all terms. the term is so am bik with us neither the federal government or individual states have a single definition. the 1994 ban defined it an assault weapon as a rifle or pistol with a detachable magazine andle